Andreas Kern
Pro­ject Mana­ge­ment

This is how Andreas Kern advances TalentOrange:

A knack for strategy and planning is particularly important in project management at TalentOrange. Andreas has gained extensive experience in the selection of suitable candidates for various tasks through his previous professional stations and uses this in the recruitment of our talents from the education sector. He enjoys discovering new countries and cultures in the course of this work, as well as getting to know many people who are passionate about their profession. It is important to Andreas to assess the potential of talented people on the one hand and to match this with the specific needs of our customers on the other. As one of the direct contacts for sponsors and local authorities, he coordinates the entire process with them, from selection to entry, and oversees the professional recognition of the talents. The most important thing for him is to provide appreciative and competent support for the talents, and he is responsible for guiding them through the entire process.

His journey to TalentOrange:

During his teacher training and master's degree in history and German studies, Andreas founded a social enterprise that focused on supporting gifted children. Stays abroad took him to various European countries and also to the University of Cambridge as part of a scholarship. Later career stages included a management consultancy and the management of a start-up. He has also authored studies for the Bertelsmann Foundation and various publications in the field of talent management. As a board member and head of the Wiesbaden-based "Kleine Füchse" foundation, he once again worked in the field of promoting gifted children of kindergarten age and coordinated the support of over 100 partner daycare centers. Now, at TalentOrange, he also wants to positively influence the future of children by selecting suitable and competent educators from all over the world.


His hidden talent:

Only a few sounds are usually enough for him to recognize a piece of music.

Contact Andreas Kern now: