TalentOrange FAQs.

Our extensive FAQs provide answers to frequently asked questions. If there are any further questions, we will be happy to help you personally.

For companies

For Talents

For companies

From which countries does TalentOrange recruit?

We recruit from the following countries in healthcare and in education.

What is the seal of approval?

The "Fair Recruitment Nursing Germany" seal of approval makes it transparent which personnel service providers place international specialists in Germany under fair, reliable and ethical conditions. This includes the fact that the recruited nurses do not bear any costs themselves. TalentOrange is one of the audited organizations and officially bears the seal of approval.

What does TalentOrange do?

We take care of the country selection, candidate selection, organization and implementation of the language course, submission of all documents to obtain a decision on deficits, work permit, visa. In addition, we prepare the existing employees for the "newcomers". We organize their entry, arrange accommodation in advance and take care of official registration, health insurance, bank details, SIM card and initial orientation in the city.



How long does it take for the international professionals to arrive at our clinic / institution?

We guarantee you an entry date. We are constantly recruiting well-trained and highly motivated specialists in the target countries and organize the language courses, which last between seven and eleven months depending on the country. If there are still unplaced specialists available from the current language courses, this can sometimes happen very quickly (two months) - if the future employer wants to conduct the selection interviews for the language courses on site, it can take a good year.

With what language level do the international professionals arrive here?

All international professionals recruited by us complete the German Intensive Course with the B2 examination.



Do the international professionals also have a good command of the technical language used in hospitals?

With our TalentOrange App, the international professionals also learn the

technical language.


How long do the international professionals stay with us in the clinic / institution?

International skilled workers from third countries stay permanently. Well over 90% stay with their employer for at least two years, and most of them remain in Germany after that. The better they integrate, the more likely they are to stay with their new employer in the long term. And we make sure of that.

Who helps with entry and integration?

We take over the complete organization.

Who prepares our employees for the new arrivals?

How long do TalentOrange's international professionals receive support?

In most cases until professional recognition, but we have also been supporting some of them for over five years.

How do I select international professionals?

According to your vacancies, you select the international professionals in a personal interview or online. Further information on the selection process can be found in the Health Care and Education.

For which professional areas does TalentOrange recruit?

We recruit for all professional areas of in-patient care as well as for early childhood care.

How long does it take for international professionals to obtain recognition?

The pure adaptation period imposed by the authorities is usually up to six (maximum nine) months for our healthcare professionals. For our education specialists, the process takes up to twelve months.

What do the services of TalentOrange cost?

We will gladly make you an offer tailored to your needs.

Can international health professionals also provide basic care?

In our experience, it makes sense to include the subject of basic care as understood in Germany in the adaptation course or the preparatory course for the knowledge test, as in many other countries around the world, basic care and the serving of food is carried out by assistants or family members.

What do the international professionals pay for the placement?

Language training, entry and placement services are free of charge for international professionals. In return, they undertake to stay with the employer for at least 24 months.

Can I ask other clinics about their experience?

Of course, you will find our references here.

Our clinic has not yet conducted an adaption course or preparation course for the knowledge test itself. Can TalentOrange support us in this?

We also accompany you and the international professionals during the processes already in progress and are available to you in an advisory capacity.

What is the motivation of the international professionals coming to Germany?

The most common motivation of our international skilled workers is a desire for professional development coupled with the search for economic stability and personal security - all factors that are often not present in the countries of origin.

There are so many providers. What are the advantages of working with TalentOrange?

You can rely on us: Our international professionals arrive at the agreed time, familiarize themselves quickly and stay for the long term. Our references speak for themselves.

What is the minimum number of international professionals to be recruited per course/placement?

To ensure the best possible integration, we recommend that you employ at least four international professionals from the same course per placement.

What are the differences in the training of international health care professionals compared to that of German professionals?

While nursing in Germany is a traditional apprenticeship, international professionals have completed a bachelor's degree of at least three years and often also have advanced specialist training and master's degrees as well as practical experience in the form of internships or permanent positions.

Does the professional qualification of international educators differ from the standard required in Germany?

The international professionals are all graduates of renowned universities in Latin America and can therefore show at least four years of study in the field of early childhood education. They have already completed several internships as part of their training.

What are the special features of the cooperation with international educators in my institution?

The international specialists not only complement your team professionally, but also enable children to get to know other cultures from an early age and exchange ideas in other languages as well as perfect German. Your facility will also become more attractive, as an international, highly qualified team will be optimally prepared to meet the multicultural population in Germany.

For Talents

How can TalentOrange support me?

As a provider of specialized personnel services, we select about 400 young people from Latin America, Asia and Africa for our program each year. We are looking for nurses, midwives, surgical assistants, anesthesia assistants, medical-technical assistants, radiology medical-technical assistants, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and educators. 

If we have selected you for our program, you will receive a monthly scholarship from us to learn German up to the Goethe or Telc B2 certificate. We will organize the language course for you at one of our own language schools or at a partner language school, usually the Goethe-Institut in your home country. During the 7 to 10 months of the course, we will find you a suitable employer in Germany. We will prepare your professional recognition, take care of immigration formalities, find you an apartment/flat share and finally buy your airline tickets. We will pick you up at the airport and accompany you to your apartment and employer. We will help you to complete the administrative formalities in Germany and to open a bank account. After your arrival in Germany, we will continue to be at your disposal: we have a weekly online consultation hour where you can ask any questions you may have in your daily life. We are responsible for you until your professional qualification is fully recognized. We are also in contact with many of our talents beyond this point.   

In Neu-Isenburg near Frankfurt, we have set up our own training campus with a language school, nursing school and student residence. Here you can train to become a nursing specialist. All you need is a high school diploma from your home country.

How does TalentOrange differ from other providers?

With us, you will actually arrive in Germany - with an employer that suits you. We have been active in this field since 2012 and have accompanied over 2,400 international skilled workers to full recognition of their professional qualifications in Germany. 

One of the biggest differences to other providers is that we have our own language schools with our own teachers. We attach great importance to a thorough and intensive language course so that you can pass the B2 exam at the end. This exam is difficult and not everyone passes it the first time. The B2 certificate is the prerequisite for gaining professional recognition in Germany and being professionally successful. That's why we do everything we can to help you pass this exam. Our teachers have a lot of experience and have a degree in "German as a foreign language".  

We carry the state seal of approval "Fair Recruitment Care Germany". This means that we have been recognized by the Federal Ministry of Health for having a fair and transparent recruitment process. Most importantly, we adhere to the employer pays principle: the employer bears the costs, not the talent.  

Our international team puts its heart and soul into its work. We guarantee personal support. The employers we work for are mainly university hospitals and other large hospitals throughout Germany. In the field of early childhood education, we work with established daycare centers that offer you good working conditions and attractive long-term career prospects.

Where can I find information in my language about the selection process?

Our website is available in German, English, Spanish and Portuguese. You will find most of the information here. On our social media channels (Instagram, TikTok, Facebook), talents talk about their experiences, now also in Mandarin, Vietnamese and sometimes Arabic. We regularly organize Insta-Lives where talents who are already working in Germany talk about their experiences.

Where can I apply and when will I receive an answer?

If you would like to apply, please use the appropriate form for your country of origin in our Instagram-Linktree or the form on our website. As soon as we have reviewed your application, you will receive a reply with all further information. In the meantime, you can discover the latest news on our social media channels.

When does the next selection process start in my country?

As soon as a new selection process starts, you will be informed on our Instagram channel. So keep yourself up to date by checking there. After your successful application, we will invite you to interviews. These usually take place online first and then in person in your country.

Is there an office I can go to (for more information)?

Our head office is located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. We have language schools in Bogotá (Colombia), São Paulo (Brazil) and Trivandrum (India). Our first contact with you after your application is always by email and then in an online conversation. If you would like to come to one of our language schools in person, please make an appointment via info@talentorange.com.

Can I talk to someone who has already completed the TalentOrange program and is working in Germany?

On our Instagram channel and on our website you will find testimonials from talents who are already working in Germany. As part of your application process, we will be happy to put you in touch with talented people from your country and with your degree who are already working in Germany.

What costs will I have to pay?

Our program is free of charge for you. Your future employer will cover the costs of your language course, exam costs, visa costs and translation costs for your certificates. Your employer will also pay for your flight tickets. You will also be paid a stipend for the duration of the language course. You should save a small reserve of this money. Because if you don't pass the B2 exam the first time, you will have to pay for the other language exams yourself. Once you have arrived in Germany, you will receive a salary from your employer. You must stay with your first employer for two years. During the first year, you will be busy getting your professional recognition; your employer will support you in this. If you terminate your employment contract in Germany during the first two years, you will pay back part of the training costs. The amount is based solely on the actual costs incurred. The amount you have to pay back decreases the longer you work for your first employer: After one year, you only pay back half of the costs incurred, and after one and a half years only a quarter of the costs.

Is it true that providers like you withhold part of the salary of the recruited professionals?

No, TalentOrange does not do that. We cannot speak for other providers. If you come to Germany with TalentOrange, you will sign an employment contract with your new employer at the hospital or in your daycare center. Your employment contract contains the same rights and obligations as the employment contract of any other employee in your institution. You will be treated as a fully-fledged team member and paid the same as everyone else. There are collective agreements for this. It is important to us that our talented employees are treated well by their employers and feel comfortable in the workplace.

How can it be that I do not have to pay anything?

We are looking for talented people with very good grades who are above-average performers and motivated. It should not depend on your parents' wallets whether you can make your way to Germany, but on your abilities and achievements. Nor should your family have to go into debt so that you can take an expensive intensive language course. That's why we advance all the costs for you; your new employer will pay them later. We pay you a stipend during the course so that you can concentrate on learning German and taking the B2 exam. Our experience shows that this is not possible if you have to work on the side. Of course, you also have obligations: You should 1) always attend classes 2) study hard and do your homework 3) pass the B2 exam and 4) work for the same employer for at least two years.  


Because we work in this way, we have been awarded the German state seal of approval "Fair Recruitment Care Germany". The most important point here is that we adhere to the Employer Pays principle: the talent pays nothing. You can find our principles on this topic here. We only work with employers who share this attitude.

Which degree can I apply with?

We have various programs.  

For our classic program, you need a university degree (at least a Bachelor's degree) in your field of study. Unfortunately, anything less is out of the question. We are looking for fully qualified nurses, midwives, surgical assistants, anesthesia technicians, medical-technical assistants, medical-technical radiology assistants, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and educators. 

You can apply for the three-year nursing training course at our nursing school in Neu-Isenburg if you have a high school diploma from your home country. We will first check whether your school-leaving certificate is recognized in Germany. Before you start your training, you will learn German up to level B2 in our language school in your home country or in a German course paid for by us. It helps if you have already completed an internship in a hospital in your home country. Then we know that you are seriously interested in the nursing profession and have already gained some experience.  

How do I get selected?

We will check your written application. If it convinces us, we will invite you to a video interview. We will also ask you to complete a "language learning ability test" online. With this test, we want to find out whether you will find it easy to learn German. We will then invite you to a personal interview in your home country. Our employees will travel to your country for this. These interviews will be conducted partly in English and partly in your native language. It is therefore important for us that you have a good command of English. We would like to get to know you better in a personal interview: what is your personal motivation, what have you done so far in your life, what are your career aspirations and goals? Here you have the opportunity to ask all your questions so that you can make a well-founded decision for this big career step. You will get to know your future employer at level A2 of the language course. This can be "live" in your country of origin or online. After this interview, both sides decide whether they are a good match.

What exactly does the German course look like?

In Latin American and African countries, our language courses last seven months. In Asian countries they last ten months. Apart from public holidays, which are communicated by the language school at the beginning of the course, there are no vacations during the entire course. It is necessary to plan around two hours a day in addition to lessons for homework. Many talented students also study at weekends. The course is very intensive and you will make great progress in a short time.  

Please remember: absences and lateness have a direct impact on your learning success, so you must attend at least 90% of the lessons. Most of our courses take place in person. You undertake not to work or study during this time - not even on evenings, weekends or public holidays. You will receive a scholarship so that you can concentrate fully on the German course. During the course, you will get to know your future work colleagues in Germany, as it is exclusively for participants in the TalentOrange program.  

Our language school in Frankfurt organizes (online) tutoring and pronunciation training with our teachers to support you according to your needs. 

The courses take place in person at a local language school in your home country. Some courses start as online courses and later become face-to-face courses. If your course does not take place at our own language schools in Bogotá, São Paulo or Trivandrum, the Goethe-Institut in your country is usually our language school partner.

Which language level do I have to achieve?

For professional recognition in Germany, you need the B2 language certificate. Excellent language preparation is therefore our top priority. With level B2, you will be able to cope well in the hospital or daycare center right from the start and then continue learning quickly in everyday life. Good language skills are the key to ensuring that you quickly feel at home in your new environment. 

If you want to train as a nurse at our language school, you will also need a B2 language certificate. This is the only way you will be able to understand patients and colleagues and follow the lessons at the nursing school. 

German level B2 according to the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" means: 

- I can understand long speeches and lectures and also follow complex chains of argumentation if I am relatively familiar with the subject matter. 

- I can understand almost all the main points of complex speeches and presentations, provided I am relatively familiar with the topic. I can understand almost everything. 

- I can understand most news and current affairs programs on television. I can understand most movies in which the language is spoken at a standard level. 

If you want to continue studying in Germany, you need level C1. You can achieve this later in Germany in a course offered at your place of residence.

What happens if I don't pass the exam? 

The Goethe language exam consists of four parts: listening, speaking, reading and writing. To pass the exam, at least 60% of the points must be achieved in each part.   

Not every candidate passes all parts of the exam at the first attempt. That's not a bad thing. Remember the German proverb: "No master has ever fallen from the sky". We have a plan for this case: After the full-time language course, you still have 3 months to retake the exam (or individual parts of it). We will continue to support you with our revision course. We expect you to retake the failed parts of the exam at least once during this period. However, it is advisable to retake the exam at the end of each month to increase your chances. Each exam attempt costs a fee and there is a registration period of approximately one month. During your retake course, you will no longer receive a scholarship. Instead, you will receive a grant of 100 euros per month towards your living costs.

What do I need if the course takes place online?

For courses that take place online, you will need a laptop or PC with a camera, a stable internet connection and a quiet room to study in. You are responsible for all three. You can use part of the scholarship to improve your technical equipment. If you are training at our nursing school, we will give you an iPad to study on.

Will I also be prepared for the German technical language in healthcare in the German course?

Our courses prepare you for the B2 general language certificate. This is the prerequisite for professional recognition and training. After completing B2, we will provide you with our app. You can use it to practise situations in the hospital on your own. We recommend that you make intensive use of our app for your self-study. It is good preparation for everyday working life in Germany. Nursery teachers do not need the app, as they are well prepared for working in a nursery with the general language certificate.

Can I bring my family to Germany?

The TalentOrange program ensures that you learn German well, receive intensive support and find a good employer. Your family members and pets are not part of the program. Travel arrangements for them must be organized by you or them. Be sure to find out about visa requirements. Proof of German language skills, an apartment with a certain number of square meters or the saving of certain amounts of money are often prerequisites for obtaining a visa.  

Please talk to your partner and family before you apply so that they are not surprised. The accommodation that we find for you or that the employer provides is reserved for you only. If your partner wants to come to Germany, he or she should learn as much German as possible so that he or she can lead an independent life in Germany. Your pet should stay at home for the time being. You will be very busy in the hospital or daycare center at the beginning and will have to concentrate fully on your professional recognition. Once you have successfully completed this and have found a larger apartment of your own, you can think about bringing your pet home. However, bear in mind that you will need written permission from your landlord. Animals often need certain vaccinations to enter the country, so make sure you are well informed. TalentOrange cannot assist you with this process. The professional development of all talents is our top priority. Some talents have already caught up with their families on their own initiative.

How much practical experience do I need to have in order to apply?

We only require a Bachelor's degree in your specialist field (nursing specialist, surgical assistant, anesthesia technician, medical-technical assistant, medical-technical radiology assistant, midwife, physiotherapy, occupational therapy or early childhood education). To be recognized, your studies must include around 2,500 hours of practical experience - depending on the subject. Professional experience is not necessary. You can therefore apply to us directly after university.  

If you are applying to train as a nursing specialist, we would be pleased if you have already completed an internship in a hospital. Professional experience is not necessary. You can apply to us directly after leaving school.

I have no knowledge of English. Can I still apply?

One of the requirements to apply for the TalentOrange program is that you can express yourself in English, as the selection interviews are conducted in English. Our experience shows that applicants who have already learned a foreign language find it easier to learn German.

I did not make it in the last competition. Can I apply again?

A second application is possible in principle if your profile has changed fundamentally: For example, additional work experience, a successful Bachelor's degree, improved English skills, etc.

Will I receive financial support during the German course?

Yes, you will receive a scholarship so that you can concentrate fully on your language course. It is roughly the same amount as the minimum wage in your home country. In return, we do not want you to work alongside your German course, including night or weekend shifts. Because then you won't have time to study and you probably won't pass the B2 exam.

What does the working contract look like?

Your future employer will conclude an official employment contract with you - just like any other employee in your hospital. You will work between 36 and 40 hours a week. This is usually 38.5 hours five days a week in early, late or night shifts (hospital). The rota is drawn up by the employer. You get 30 days paid holiday per year. You will be paid according to the pay scale. As a recognised nursing specialist, you will receive around € 3300 gross per month at the beginning (i.e. taxes and health insurance will still be deducted). Payments for night and weekend shifts are added. During the period of recognition (approx. one year), your salary is lower because you do not yet have full responsibility. 

As a recognised educator, you will also receive around €3,300 gross per month (taxes and health insurance are still deducted). Here too, your salary will be lower during the period of recognition (approx. one year). In Germany, there is a probationary period of six months. During this time, your employer makes sure that you are a good fit for the job. 

The first employment contract is often initially limited to two years. However, there is the option of an extension and even a permanent contract. That's the reason why your employer has hired us.

What happens if I want to end my employment contract early?

Our programme only works if we fulfil our commitment to your employer and you stay with your first employer for at least two years. We have clear rules in our contract with you in case you want to leave the programme before then. We will then claim back the money we have spent on your language course and scholarship up to that point. The exact amounts that you will have to pay back if you drop out of the programme are set out in the contract.   

But remember that it is a great goal to apply everything you have learnt in your studies to your work in Germany and to build a great career and a new life here. More than 2400 talents have already come to Germany with us. After five years, 96% of our talents are still in Germany and 90% are still with their first employer.  Of course, every new job is a challenge and moving to a new country comes with its ups and downs. Your new colleagues and we at TalentOrange will support you.

As an international professional, can I stay in Germany beyond the two mandatory years?

Your employer and we would be delighted if you would like to continue working in Germany after the first two years and stay with this employer. That is the goal of all our efforts.  After these two years, you will have many opportunities for further training. Almost all of our talents stay in Germany and have a stable, long-term perspective in Germany.

What career prospects do I have as an international specialist after my first two years at the hospital?

After professional recognition, there are many further training opportunities open to you. You can become deputy ward manager or later ward manager. Some of our talents have become practice supervisors. What's special: In Germany, the employer usually pays the costs of further training - this also applies to specialization, e.g. in intensive care or stroke unit. Some of our talented students have already taken on a management position with their employer. You can also do a Master's degree at a university later on. However, you will have to pay for this yourself.

How high are the salary deductions in Germany?

Around a third of the salary is deducted for health insurance, pension insurance, taxes and unemployment insurance. Income in Germany is divided into "gross" and "net". The salary that is paid into your account is called "net". This is the "gross wage" (everything your employer pays for you) minus taxes and social insurance. Health insurance ensures that you are treated free of charge at the doctor and in hospital. Pension insurance guarantees that you will receive a state pension as an old person (from the age of 67). Unemployment insurance ensures that you receive money from the state if you don't have a job. Every employee pays into these insurance schemes; they are compulsory.

How does professional recognition work?

The recognition of your degree begins before you arrive in Germany. At the beginning of the language course, we need documents such as certificates and personal documents (passport, birth certificate) from you to prepare the application for recognition. You will receive the exact list of necessary documents from your project manager. They will then take care of the correspondence with the German authorities until they have issued the "Defizitbescheid". This notice compares your studies with your training in Germany. It lists what you may still need to make up. We also need it to apply for your visa. As soon as you are in Germany, you will complete the practical part of the professional recognition test with your employer. 

The recognition exam is usually a clinical case for which you probably already have the necessary knowledge. However, the exam is in German, so you will have to work hard to learn the technical terms for your work once you arrive. As a rule, you will take your recognition exam 6 to 12 months after you start work. If you fail the exam twice, you can still stay in Germany. You will then work with the status of a nursing assistant.

Who will I work for?

Our customers and cooperation partners include hospitals, university clinics and daycare centers at various locations throughout Germany. The hospitals have between 1,000 and 4,500 employees. The daycare centers have between 20 and 30 employees.

Do I get to know my future employer personally in advance?

Yes, during the German course we will introduce you to your future employer. In some clinics, employees from the nursing management will travel with us to your home country to get to know you and your colleagues from the language course. Other employers conduct the interviews online. This is always a special moment for which we prepare you well.

How is the acceptance of international skilled workers in Germany?

Hospitals and daycare centers in Germany have employees from many different countries. Especially in large hospitals, the team you work with will be international. People of different nationalities work together respectfully. All employees with the same level of experience receive the same salary (collective agreement) and have the same rights and obligations once they have completed their professional recognition. Some current stories and testimonials from international specialists are published on our website and on our Instagram channel. Feel free to take a look!

Will I receive assistance with the administrative procedures?

Yes, we will help you with all official matters, e.g. professional recognition and registration at the residents' registration office on your second day in Germany. We will also help you to open a bank account. If your visa needs to be extended later, we will support you if you wish. If you are already in Germany, you can ask any questions you may have once a week in our online consultation hour.

How do I find a flat in Germany?

Finding an apartment in Germany is not easy, as many people want to live in Germany. Inexpensive, centrally located apartments are rarely available. Either your employer will provide you with a room near the hospital. Or the TalentOrange team can help you find your first apartment. 

There are three types of accommodation: 

- Room in a hall of residence at the hospital 

- Room in a shared flat. Here you share a kitchen, living room and bathroom with your flatmates. These are usually colleagues of yours 

- One-room apartment with kitchenette and bathroom (individual apartment) 

The apartments are simply furnished (only the basics). Gradually, you can then furnish yourself more and more beautifully and buy all the furniture and decorations to suit your taste. We pay attention to good transport connections to work. We will do our best to find suitable and nice accommodation for you.  

Please remember: Your first apartment in Germany is just the beginning, it is not a luxury penthouse. If you don't like it 100%, you can look for your own apartment from there that meets your requirements even better. At this point, you are already in Germany and receive a salary that covers your living costs and rent. We are happy to support you in your own search with tips and web links.

Can I extend my visa?

You must have your visa in Germany extended at regular intervals at the immigration office in your place of residence. The period depends on the respective authority. As a citizen of a non-EU country, you must present an employment contract and proof of salary each time your visa is extended. After five years in Germany, you will usually receive a permanent residence permit. If you speak German well and have a job, you can obtain German citizenship.

How high is the cost of living in Germany?

The highest expense is often the rent. This varies greatly depending on the region. Rents are more expensive in large cities than in the countryside. For a 1-room apartment in a city like Frankfurt, you can expect to pay around €500-600, for a 2-room apartment around €900-1000. You can spend around €300-400 a month on food, depending on your own requirements. With the salary of a qualified nurse or educator, you can live well in Germany, go on vacation and also save regular amounts.

Do I have health insurance in Germany? What does health insurance cover?

Yes, health insurance is required by law in Germany. You will also be covered by statutory health insurance and have access to high-quality healthcare services. We will help you find a suitable health insurance policy. Your employer pays the monthly contributions directly to the insurance company, so you don't have to worry about anything. You will receive an insurance card that you can use to go to the doctor without incurring any additional costs. Statutory health insurance covers all visits to the doctor and medically necessary treatments; private co-payments are rarely necessary.

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