Talents explain German medical terms

Medical terminology at the hospital is important

Our international professionals who want to start develop their careers in Germany already have the professional competence for the healthcare and social sectors. What they have to accomplish before their arrival: Learning German. The goal is to pass the B2 exam quickly and successfully. 

They will also learn the medical terminology to be able to communicate effectively at the hospital. They will be supported by our concept Fachsprache Gesundheit, our language learning app and the expert team at our TalentOrange language school.  

On our Instagram account, the "Medical Terms" category of our highlighted stories provides additional support for our new talents. 

Our alumni, who have been living and working in Germany at the hospitals for a long time already, explain German medical terms in their native language in self-made short videos. 

  • Marceli from Brazil, for example, explains X-rays (“Röntgenstrahlung”) 
  • Rebecca from Mexico explains intravenous (“intravenös”)
  • ...

The videos are short, compact and easy to understand.

Can be found on our Instagram channel: @talentorange

If you are a Talent and would also like to explain a German medical term: Send us a DM via Instagram to TalentOrange.