César left home at the age of 16 to begin a 4.5-year nursing degree in the north of his home country, Colombia. He chose this profession because he is very interested in medicine and loves helping seriously ill patients on their road to recovery.
Always looking for new challenges, César dreamed of traveling, learning about other countries and cultures, and gaining new experiences. After graduating in 2018, he finally got the opportunity to work abroad in 2020 through TalentOrange.
What did those around you think about you wanting to work in Germany?
When I told my friends I was moving to Germany, they called me "crazy." They couldn't believe that I wanted to learn a new language, just leave everything and start a new life somewhere completely different.
Why did you want to work abroad?
I always dreamed about it, to get to know a new culture, learn a new language. But I didn't just want to read and hear about it - no, I wanted to experience for myself what it means to live and work abroad. So I found an opportunity and worked towards it. It took many hours of hard work until I was able to communicate in German. But now I have been living and working in Germany for over a year!
How was your first day in Germany?
I don't remember much about the journey because I was very tired: After 14 hours of flying and a stopover in Spain, I finally arrived in Germany. Here, Annika from Talent Orange was waiting for me.
My first day (the day after my arrival, after I had rested) was a culture shock: The people on the street didn't speak my native language and then the supermarket: Many new products, different names everywhere... Somehow I was really curious, wanted to read everything, in order to understand my new environment better. There were always new experiences and the little everyday things became adventures: going shopping, taking the train …
How have you been since your arrival, how was the first time at the hospital?
I am good! I can't complain! I have a good job, nice colleagues. I have just been accepted for continuing education as a "nursing expert for stoma, continence and wounds". That makes me really happy. However, the beginning was exhausting. I had to get used to only hear German. Instead of Spanish, my brain suddenly had to think and answer in German. I also had to keep reminding myself that I was now dealing with people from other cultures. With time, however, it all gets better and easier.
What makes Colombia and Germany different from each other and what is very similar?
A lot! (laughs) We are talking about two different cultures here. The way we talk, the way we think, is different. We grew up differently. But what we have in common is: We all help our families, our friends and all the people who are important to us!
What do you wish for in your future?
I would like to grow, both as a person and in my professional life.
Thank you César!